I Remember You

by Chixdiggit!

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:20 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Pink Razors

Song Author


Tabbed by

Kyle Turner


1st → K.J. - Guitar
2nd → Mark - Bass
3rd → Mike - Guitar
4th → K.J. - Voice
5th → Jason - Drums

File Size

66 KB




I re-mem-ber you, the best friend of a girl I date-d. I'm the guy that you for-got you hate-d. Let's see what's go-ing on. She moved to Mon-tre-al and found relig-ion with some cree-py pas-tor. If you see her could you may-be ask her a-bout my Vaur-net shirt? We had lots of fun while you grim-a-ced from the side. We got good at lov-ing, you got good at rolling your eyes. Could it be Chris tine, they re-moved more than your spleen? I+think of her a lot. I won-der if she thinks a-bout me. Is+there a chance that we could re-make hist-ory? Well you say prob-ably not. Well that's not too sur-pris-ing. You thought I knocked her up. But it ain't just me that's bad at swim-ming. You've+got a lot of stuff to lose by win-ning, so you don't ev-en try. We had lots of fun while you grim-a-ced from the side. We got good at lov-ing, you got good at rolling your eyes. Could it be Chris tine, they re-moved more than your spleen? We had lots of fun while you grim-a-ced from the side. We got good at lov-ing, you got good at rolling your eyes. Could it be Chris tine, they re-moved more than your spleen? I re-mem-ber you. The best friend of a girl I date-d. I'm the guy that you for-got you hate-d. Let's see what's go-ing on.


I'm not so good with the drums, and the only reason I'm trying the vocals is because I picked up the first four notes of the melody from the solo... It's not going to be pretty.